Peace of Minds


Since 7 October 2023, violent attacks have been taking place in the Middle East, leading to an intense war that has affected many civilians among the Israeli and Palestinian populations.

Faced with this situation and the violence of the images being broadcast, the world's community of psychiatrists and psychologists is warning of the high risk of depression, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder in adults and children alike, both witnesses and victims of this war, in the short and long term. It calls for appropriate measures and tools to be put in place to prevent them and support those affected as effectively as possible.

To respond to this urgent health issue, the FondaMental Foundation, a psychiatric care and research foundation, with the help of Professor Coraline Hingray (Nancy) and psychiatrists, is launching a digital psychological support platform,


With our chatbot on Telegram, find advices to accompany children and teenagers.

Accreditations and approvals

Peace of Minds has been adapted as a matter of urgency from the Ecoute Ukraine platform developed by

Fundamental logo

Platform adapted from Ecoute Psy Ukraine , created with the participation of:
- Laure Barreault, Clinical psychologist, CHRU de Nancy
- Pr Wissam El Hage, Psychiatrist, CHRU de Tours, CIC 1253, UMR 1253, INSERM, iBraiN, Université de Tours - author of "Le trauma ? Comment s'en sortir"
- Pr Coraline Hingray, Psychiatrist, CHRU de Nancy, Centre Psychothérapique de Nancy - author of "Le trauma ? Comment s'en sortir"
- Pr Marion Leboyer, Psychiatrist, UPEC, AP-HP, Inserm, Directrice Générale à Fondation FondaMental
- Cassandre Surinon, Clinical psychologist, Hôpital Albert Chenevier, DMU IMPACT